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Full Version: Good results yesterday
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If the players are going to turn out performances like that then we’ll be lucky to stay up. Shameful and they really should be ashamed of themselves.
And again, only Plymouth of top 8 winning. Just have to win our games in hand now lol
(10-12-2022, 05:13 PM)dsmg Wrote: [ -> ]And again, only Plymouth of top 8 winning. Just have to win our games in hand now lol

Plymouth drew 0-0. Ipswich won 2-1 v Peterboro.

Other than that, spot on!
Sorry, meant Ipswich not Plymouth
The results are showing nobody's too amazing this year. Everyone's fallible, and everyone in the top half, including us, still in with a good chance.
The play offs were designed to keep average teams in the race for promotion.So we still have a chance but not if we carry on doing what we have for the last couple of months. Too slow, too predictable and too likely to give away a goal a game form overplaying at the back.
England played well today, didn’t homosexual around with it at the back. Still lost, mind. Doh
I wrote pon ce, the corrector wrote homosexual. Aaaarrrgghhhh
(11-12-2022, 11:43 AM)Hammie Wrote: [ -> ]homosexual

how very peculiar, thought I'd try it to see! 
perhaps we should write rainbow in future
I’m expecting Savs to appear, very soon.
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