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RE: Morell - Cunninglinguist - 19-06-2024

I wouldn’t like to play against him but I think we can do better.

RE: Morell - Hammie - 19-06-2024

I could not blame him for taking a pay day to go and play in Wales.
We opted not to extend his contract so clearly have limited interest in him staying here.

RE: Morell - essentialmix75 - 22-06-2024

The longer this window goes on without us making any signings, the more I feel players like Morell and Herbie Kane should have been our primary targets.

We are in with the big boys now, and I feel we are finding out the firepower of other clubs, with deeper pockets.

RE: Morell - mike hunt - 22-06-2024

The longer the saga goes on, the more likely the outcome becomes bad, so I think we are already waving Morrel goodbye, sad as it may seem, that's football today

RE: Morell - DeepBlue - 22-06-2024

(22-06-2024, 08:31 AM)mike hunt Wrote: The longer the saga goes on, the more likely the outcome becomes bad, so I think we are already waving Morrel goodbye, sad as it may seem, that's football today

The saga hasn't really started. He is not available to anyone until June 30th and is still injured.  Don't expect this to be settled any time soon, but it looks likely that he will be going somewhere.

RE: Morell - Hammie - 23-06-2024

We all need to stay patient. Every summer that there is an international tournament, most of the transfer business happens after teams start to return home.

RE: Morell - blueandwight - 23-06-2024

(22-06-2024, 08:14 AM)essentialmix75 Wrote: The longer this window goes on without us making any signings, the more I feel players like Morell and Herbie Kane should have been our primary targets.

We are in with the big boys now, and I feel we are finding out the firepower of other clubs, with deeper pockets.

I believe that this is a pretty accurate assessmrent of the current position.
'We are in with the big boys now, and I feel we are finding out the firepower of other clubs, with deeper pockets.' Very true.
Now, quite literally, we're in a different league.
Nobody can dispute that Richard Hughes has done a fantastic job but putting together a squad (FGR) for League Two with some half decent backing wasn't a huge task. Last season Cowley had aleready put together a decent bunch of players and year ago RH had the job of strengthening that squad with a view of challenging for a 'play-off' spot. He was able to do this with the backing of the ownrers and this enabled the brilliant Mousinho to build a Championship team.
Now that we're in the Championship it's a whole new ball game and we will struggle in the transfer market to compete with the Clubs with far greater financial backing including parachute payments. It's simple. We're unlikely to cmpete when it comes to seven figure fees and even freebies expect Championship wages well in excess of what our players earn
This can only be acheived by holding onto players with experience and potential like Morrell and Swanson...I'm sure they won't dissappoint. My view is that furter strenthening and improving the squad has to come from League One, like the lad from Barnsley, and loan signings.

RE: Morell - Kingo - 23-06-2024

I do agree with that. I'd like to see us trying to keep Morell and Swanson. To get better players than them will probably cost more than we want to spend.

RE: Morell - bluetagagain - 23-06-2024

Don’t panic, the transfers won’t really start until the Euros are finished. We’ll be absolutely fine. Top pitch, top manager, top football director (?) and a top half squad once the season starts .
Keep the faith. PUP. Strong Island.

RE: Morell - Hammie - 23-06-2024

talking deeper pockets, how many of the other clubs are in receipt of parachute payments, if they go on for three years it could be anything up to 9 clubs, which is getting on for half of the league!

RE: Morell - Theyak2 - 24-06-2024

Luton made it to the prem and they did it the right way. Now they have parachute payments but will probably struggle until they move to their new stadium, where that money is probably going.
However, they did get there!
So let's just wait and see how this unfolds before sinking our chances due to money alone please.

RE: Morell - slayer - 24-06-2024

I wonder if the Luton fans appreciate how right they played their Prem cameo. Up, enjoyed themselves, had a couple of scalps, left with their dignity and before getting themselves stuck as a fodder side

Morrell - dsmg - 02-07-2024

Has he gone?

RE: Morrell - Roybatty - 03-07-2024

Penned a emotional farewell, didn't realise he made 105 appearances,only rememberable the ones he got sent off in

RE: Morrell - West Australian Portsmouth Fan - 03-07-2024

He was our best player in loads of games and I wish him well

RE: Morrell - DeepBlue - 03-07-2024

I'd go so far as suggesting that not taking up the option on his contract has been the first decision that RH/JM have made that I think is a mistake.   The partnership between Pack & Morrell was our greatest strength last season and would have been good enough to keep us safe this season.  

As with all departures it will all hang on who he is replaced with because I don't see anyone nearly as good already in the squad.

RE: Morrell - FiftyYearsOn - 03-07-2024

Must admit to being disappointed he’s gone, and surprised we didn’t take up the option unless his injury is going to keep him out for some time to come maybe. We need a tigerish ball winner to replace him. I assume we have a replacement in mind although Moxon will be itching to do that job. Wish Morrell well, hope it’s in league 1 though so he doesn’t come back to haunt us!

RE: Morrell - exterminator - 03-07-2024

He won't be playing for some time - a mate spoke to him in the members gym in PHFC  couple of weeks ago when he was limping around.

Asked him how it was going - he said that he is really struggling at the moment,  making little progress.  Was the cartilage injury that required the operation  more than that - I'll trust RH/ JM & PFC medical team concerning his availability for the season.

RE: Morrell - West Australian Portsmouth Fan - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 11:00 AM)FiftyYearsOn Wrote: Must admit to being disappointed he’s gone, and surprised we didn’t take up the option unless his injury is going to keep him out for some time to come maybe. We need a tigerish ball winner to replace him. I assume we have a replacement in mind although Moxon will be itching to do that job. Wish Morrell well, hope it’s in league 1 though so he doesn’t come back to haunt us!

Probably hoping to land Robertson to partner pack. Can be pretty exuberant when trying to win a tackle and is usually slick, skilful and composed on the ball. Unfortunately also a bit of an injury cloud over him but good when fit

RE: Morrell - slayer - 03-07-2024

Fully back the management, the dwarf would get sent off most weeks. Thanks now FO for me - bet he turns up in L1. Taller and more disciplined fish in the sea

RE: Morrell - DeepBlue - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 02:24 PM)slayer Wrote: Fully back the management, the dwarf would get sent off most weeks. Thanks now FO for me - bet he turns up in L1. Taller and more disciplined fish in the sea

I still think the combativeness that leads to his red cards is his strength, not a weakness. 

He may miss a few games from suspension but that downside is irrelevant compared to the value add that he gives to the team for the vast majority of the games.  He only got 5 red cards in three seasons and at least two of them were extremely harsh decisions. Far too much is made of this supposed 'weakness'.  

We will miss his combativenesss in a tougher league unless we replace with him someone similar and there are very few like him about.

RE: Morrell - Lawrence - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 09:26 AM)DeepBlue Wrote: I'd go so far as suggesting that not taking up the option on his contract has been the first decision that RH/JM have made that I think is a mistake.   The partnership between Pack & Morrell was our greatest strength last season and would have been good enough to keep us safe this season.  

As with all departures it will all hang on who he is replaced with because I don't see anyone nearly as good already in the squad.

I thought the two played better with one out of the team. Pack was immense and grew in stature in the latter half of the season. I just thought they got in each others way - not all the time but enough.

And there's no need for Morrell as I can't see any Premiership team taking a recovering Robertson and I'm guessing Mousinho thinks that leaves them clear to take another year. If do well next season, I could see us buying him outright eventually. Let's me honest, with City's obsession with marquee signings Robertson isn't going to get anywhere near the bench at that club.

RE: Morrell - Theyak2 - 03-07-2024

How many red cards?
In the championship that would cost is and I have a sneaking suspicion that might have influenced the decision on an otherwise great player for us

RE: Morrell - Sharpe* - 03-07-2024

Bit of a shame really.

Imo he definitely has the talent for the Championship.

Yes he had discipline problems but hoped he'd get over that.

Good luck to him - is a good player in there.

RE: Morrell - exterminator - 03-07-2024

If what he told my mate is true he won't be fit for any football for several months.