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RE: Jordan Williams - DeepBlue - 14-06-2024

(14-06-2024, 11:26 AM)TitchfieldBlue Wrote: He got player of the season in a team which got relegated from the championship ? The same team who didn't go up last season in league one?

One thing is for sure, with signings like this we are going to struggle massively this season.

That sounds like a confession that you have never seen him play and have no idea how he plays.  

Which raises the question why do you bother ?

RE: Jordan Williams - bluetagagain - 14-06-2024

Because he’s a WUM scummer cvnt

RE: Jordan Williams - Theyak2 - 14-06-2024

Titchfield was asked to write a synopsis on football.
He started with, "The NFL"!

RE: Jordan Williams - Daniel - 14-06-2024

Barnsley forum seem to have good things to say about him. Just played out of position this season

RE: Jordan Williams - Theyak2 - 14-06-2024

We stated we want him as RB. His position in which he shone enough for 'player of the season'!
Just proves Titchfield is the MUG we say he is!

RE: Jordan Williams - mikey393 - 14-06-2024

Good start but hardly overwhelming obn a Free.

I wonder how much this season's playing budget is?

We are competing with the "Big Boys" Now & much higher wages.

RE: Jordan Williams - Theyak2 - 14-06-2024

We have the basis of a team with valued members.
For instance, how much would it cost to get Paddy Lane from us?
£3-4m! Not a penny less.
We have the basis of a team already.
We are adding players that make us better not world beaters.
What we do have is an infrastructure that many championship clubs do and will be jealous of.
'Eat what we kill' whilst investing what we make.
It's all we ask. We are doing it the right way finally and it feels good.
We are building to safe guard a future. We belong naturally at this level. Now we have to prove we can thrive. It's not instant gratification but we are going in the right direction.
The journey is always great with Pompey one way or another

I trust Richard Hughes in recruitment and I trust Mousinho managing our team.
The future is bright with them.

RE: Jordan Williams - tl73 - 14-06-2024

Williams confirmed.

RE: Jordan Williams - Theyak2 - 14-06-2024

Welcome to the house of fun Jordan Williams

RE: Jordan Williams - D'Alessandro dreaming - 14-06-2024

Could be my favourite Jordan since the one with the big fake tits.

RE: Jordan Williams - dsmg - 14-06-2024

Looks like a good signing to me

RE: Jordan Williams - Hermann's_no_hermit - 14-06-2024

I agree with all the positive comments based on his career to date. Anybody expecting us to be signing players who have been playing at the top end of the Championship is out of their tiny. He fits the profile of the type of player we want to recruit. Welcome to the best club in the country Jordan.

RE: Jordan Williams - simonfkwit - 14-06-2024

(14-06-2024, 05:18 PM)D'Alessandro dreaming Wrote: Could be my favourite Jordan since the one with the big fake tits.

Is that Jordan Cross....I think they're real.

RE: Jordan Williams - exterminator - 14-06-2024

(14-06-2024, 11:26 AM)TitchfieldBlue Wrote: He got player of the season in a team which got relegated from the championship ? The same team who didn't go up last season in league one?

One thing is for sure, with signings like this we are going to struggle massively this season.

So come on then Titchy Witchy Woo tell us who we should be signing so that we don't " struggle massively this season" ..........

RE: Jordan Williams - Hammie - 14-06-2024

at last, something new to talk about.

RE: Jordan Williams - D'Alessandro dreaming - 14-06-2024

Now I would like us to get the Swanson contract extension done and then the right back position is basically sorted. Not sure how likely he is to stay with us though.

There are some Barnsley fans saying he's shit but the less inbred of their number say he's a really good right back that was played at centre back last season. I distinctly remember that many of the players we signed last season had fans of their previous club carping on about how shit they were but lo and behold we pissed the league.

RE: Jordan Williams - slayer - 14-06-2024

Ash in meltdown

RE: Jordan Williams - slayer - 14-06-2024

(14-06-2024, 03:58 PM)mikey393 Wrote: Good start but hardly overwhelming obn a Free.

I wonder how much this season's playing budget is?

We are competing with the "Big Boys" Now & much higher wages.

Remind me how much Pack cost?

RE: Jordan Williams - exgaffer - 14-06-2024

(14-06-2024, 09:40 PM)slayer Wrote: I've
(14-06-2024, 03:58 PM)mikey393 Wrote: Good start but hardly overwhelming obn a Free.

I wonder how much this season's playing budget is?

We are competing with the "Big Boys" Now & much higher wages.

Remind me how much Pack cost?

Yes, so bearing in mind the higher wages, he’s not ‘Free’ is he?

He looks like a very good signing to me and I’m not looking for ‘overwhelming’ signings, rather players who can do a good job for the team.

The days of us paying huge transfer fees are in the past I reckon and we should live within (or as near as possible to it) our means. If and when we get to the Prem that may change but at present the approach we are taking looks about right.

RE: Jordan Williams - Smirnoffexpress - 15-06-2024

Good solid signing, unlikely to be a big time Charlie so should keep the squad spirit good and likely to get even better. I’ll take that.

RE: Jordan Williams - Gerry Hatrick - 15-06-2024

Loved Rafferty so is this an upgrade on him?
It certainly is!
Carries all the reliability and character of Raffers, plus he can pose a threat on that right flank, plus he can play other positions, plus he's much younger. 
One big hole duly filled.