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PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - Printable Version

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RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - teeftwo - 06-06-2024

Are we not going to raise money to pay the fine in case some of it goes to Totton Separatists?

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - Milkins - 06-06-2024

Crowdfunding for a fine if it happens - really?

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - dsmg - 06-06-2024

Whooshy whooshy methinks

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - Milkins - 06-06-2024

Could be, although some upthread seemed to be on board with the idea.... do I need to get new batteries for my irony-detector?

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - Smirnoffexpress - 06-06-2024

(05-06-2024, 05:57 AM)dsmg Wrote: Didn’t know you dealt in facts, Gaffer. Where did you get that one from, by the way?

Are we debating Hamas and its funding?  Big Grin Because it could be a long thread!

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - dsmg - 06-06-2024

I’m debating Gaff’s scattergun

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - exgaffer - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 04:39 PM)dsmg Wrote: I’m debating Gaff’s scattergun

Put the buzzword generator away and get out more ffs  Big Grin .

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - Hermann's_no_hermit - 07-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 11:46 AM)dsmg Wrote: You’re like a spray gun. You just fire out ‘facts’ on all sorts of topics to support your arguments but never have anything to back them up, and God forbid anyone using the Guardian, BBC, NYT, Washington Post etc as you just pooh pooh them as left wing shyte and carry on with your factless spouting. You always have a friend or a nurse or a doctor or a school kid to back up your theories but never real sources.

To be fair, Gaffs is mildly more rooted in reality than Ess Mix. His "facts" occasionally have some believability.

RE: PFC face FA charge after Barnsley pitch invasion. - Cunninglinguist - 09-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 11:46 AM)dsmg Wrote: You’re like a spray gun. You just fire out ‘facts’ on all sorts of topics to support your arguments but never have anything to back them up, and God forbid anyone using the Guardian, BBC, NYT, Washington Post etc as you just pooh pooh them as left wing shyte and carry on with your factless spouting. You always have a friend or a nurse or a doctor or a school kid to back up your theories but never real sources.

Chuckle. He always fails under questioning. That’s how you tell them apart.