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No football regulator soon... - Printable Version

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RE: No football regulator soon... - exgaffer - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 04:04 PM)BilltheCat Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 08:19 AM)Bluestow Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 08:10 AM)exgaffer Wrote:
(05-06-2024, 08:48 PM)Milkins Wrote: Ha - another story about a hugely wealthy "elite" (in this case a petro-state) banging on and bemoaning about hidden and shadowy "elites" blocking their rightful quest for "justice" and firing up the expensive lawyers to prove the point.

Ha ha ha, Trump lives rent free in the head of every Guardian writer  Big Grin .

I see there was a great piece in that appalling rag attempting to debunk points put forward by Nigel Farage where, far from debunking him, they actually proved him right.

Keep up the comedy gold Guardian.

As for Manchester City, they certainly have.a lot of front. I think it’s time for clubs like that to feck off to a ‘super league’ somewhere and let the rest of us get on with proper football.l

Reality check: how do Farage’s claims on immigration, economy and crime hold up? | Nigel Farage | The Guardian

Let the lazy bastards look it up for themselves BTC. Don’t wipe their arses for them. A bit of research won’t do them any harm  Big Grin .

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 09:01 AM)dsmg Wrote: Gaffer fact

Hypocrite  Big Grin You do exactly what you accuse Gaffer of, still waiting on the proof, from your goodself, that the Toad hates foreigners.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 04:04 PM)BilltheCat Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 08:19 AM)Bluestow Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 08:10 AM)exgaffer Wrote:
(05-06-2024, 08:48 PM)Milkins Wrote: Ha - another story about a hugely wealthy "elite" (in this case a petro-state) banging on and bemoaning about hidden and shadowy "elites" blocking their rightful quest for "justice" and firing up the expensive lawyers to prove the point.

Ha ha ha, Trump lives rent free in the head of every Guardian writer  Big Grin .

I see there was a great piece in that appalling rag attempting to debunk points put forward by Nigel Farage where, far from debunking him, they actually proved him right.

Keep up the comedy gold Guardian.

As for Manchester City, they certainly have.a lot of front. I think it’s time for clubs like that to feck off to a ‘super league’ somewhere and let the rest of us get on with proper football.l

Reality check: how do Farage’s claims on immigration, economy and crime hold up? | Nigel Farage | The Guardian
Read it properly and it doesn’t disprove anything, if anything it adds to his argument.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Tufnell_Chimes - 06-06-2024

I've just read and it doesn't do that at all. Of the six points it answers: false, misleading, false, very selective, false, misleading.
Are you and Guff sharing the same pair of blinkers?

RE: No football regulator soon... - dsmg - 06-06-2024

Ok Smirns, it's a fair cop. However, his million and one actions and declarations against foreigners would suggest to me that he's not very fond of them. Would you not agree ? Maybe hate was too strong.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Milkins - 06-06-2024

I'm not sure that it is correct to say farage "hates" all foreigners. He did like one German lass enough to marry her. Although now separated he did, after Brexit, apply for his very own bright and shiny German (and therefore EU) passport. 

I would imagine that other chancer johnson, will probably pull the same stunt in the not too distant. Father Stanley Johnson picked up his French citizenship & passport in 2022, so fat boris won't be able to resist.

Populist principles eh?

RE: No football regulator soon... - essentialmix75 - 06-06-2024

The dizzying dishonesty of Keir Starmer!....

RE: No football regulator soon... - Jezzer - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 08:56 PM)essentialmix75 Wrote: The dizzying dishonesty of Keir Starmer!....

Not much of a fan of Starmer but..Spiked magazine FAF! They really have washed your brain,  haven't they?

RE: No football regulator soon... - essentialmix75 - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 09:30 PM)Jezzer Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 08:56 PM)essentialmix75 Wrote: The dizzying dishonesty of Keir Starmer!....

Not much of a fan of Starmer but..Spiked magazine FAF! They really have washed your brain,  haven't they?

I care not about the source.... But purely about the evidence!.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Jezzer - 06-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 09:33 PM)essentialmix75 Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 09:30 PM)Jezzer Wrote:
(06-06-2024, 08:56 PM)essentialmix75 Wrote: The dizzying dishonesty of Keir Starmer!....

Not much of a fan of Starmer but..Spiked magazine FAF! They really have washed your brain,  haven't they?

I care not about the source.... But purely about the evidence!.

Evidence? FFS moosh, they’ve really got you by the short and curlies.

RE: No football regulator soon... - essentialmix75 - 06-06-2024

Did you even watch the video??.

In the coonts own words!.

RE: No football regulator soon... - essentialmix75 - 06-06-2024

More evening education….Fauci ADMITS Masking & Social Distancing Rules Were MADE UP!

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 07-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 07:18 PM)dsmg Wrote: Ok Smirns, it's a fair cop. However, his million and one actions and declarations against foreigners would suggest to me that he's not very fond of them. Would you not agree ? Maybe hate was too strong.

He appears to have problems with mass immigration, with good reason. Criticism of our immigration system is a legitimate debate. The “hating foreigners” bit is chucked into the mix to denigrate his opinions . With the intention of isolating him,and others, with legitimate concerns. The debate on mass immigration should have been had before it started. In keeping with the political landscape of today. People shy away from discussing the issues but are very quick to attack those that raise the issues. Farage is just another symptom, the ailment in this case is immigration. Attack the message not the messenger.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Tufnell_Chimes - 07-06-2024

Typical tory balls-up. Blow up immigration as a massive threat so as to beat Labour over the head with it, only to see Farage say thank you very much and take advantage of all that manufactured ire. If only he had told the truth that UK growth is dependent on immigration, Farage wouldn’t have a foothold.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Rocketman - 07-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 08:09 AM)Tufnell_Chimes Wrote: Typical tory balls-up. Blow up immigration as a massive threat so as to beat Labour over the head with it, only to see Farage say thank you very much and take advantage of all that manufactured ire. If only he had told the truth that UK growth is dependent on immigration, Farage wouldn’t have a foothold.
UK growth is dependent on many things, but including legal skilled immigration, not the dross that generally comes via Calais

RE: No football regulator soon... - Tufnell_Chimes - 07-06-2024

Maybe, but if people hadn't voted for our loony Brexit not only would we still have all those interesting, hardworking, tax-paying europeans, we'd also still have the Dublin Agreement in place and the immigrants you don't like would all be on the next ferry back to Calais. But here we are....

RE: No football regulator soon... - Cressers - 07-06-2024

How many migrants were deported under the Dublin Agreement?

RE: No football regulator soon... - dsmg - 07-06-2024

Four and a half

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 07-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 08:09 AM)Tufnell_Chimes Wrote: Typical tory balls-up. Blow up immigration as a massive threat so as to beat Labour over the head with it, only to see Farage say thank you very much and take advantage of all that manufactured ire. If only he had told the truth that UK growth is dependent on immigration, Farage wouldn’t have a foothold.

There you go again Big Grin “blow up immigration” “manufactured ire”? Nothing is being blown up, the figures are the facts and those facts are ridiculously high. One in six people currently living in the U.K. where not born here. That has taken over fifty years and would include the Windrush generation. However a graph line overthe last ten or so years shows the rate of acceleration rising faster and faster. Have Government funded the NHS and other services to cope with this increase? The answer is no. Housebuilding has nowhere near kept pace with this influx either. Maybe, when judged solely in economic terms, people have a right to be concerned. Those concerns are not “manufactured ire”.
That U.K. growth is dependent on immigration has little meaning without context. A strategicly planned immigration policy might well advance national growth. An unplanned, chaotic one does not.
As for your blinkered love in with the EU and your habit of rolling out the “ if it wasn’t for Brexit we would be operating under the Dublin agreement and everything would be alright” card. In the year of the referendum,2016 transfers out to our EU neighbours equaled 362 individuals and transfers into the U.K. equalled 558. Woopy, fookin do, that helped.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Tufnell_Chimes - 07-06-2024

Immigration wasn’t an issue in 2014. It was used as a tool, by those wanting to retain opacity over their offshore banking, to swing the referendum. Trouble was once you fire up the anti-immigrant base they can’t be doused out - they feel they’ve been validated and they’re never going to drop it - the genie is not going to go quietly back in the bottle.

EU immigrants were the perfect immigrant: they were bright, hardworking and happy to regularly hop over back home to keep in touch with family. Now we’ve sent a clear message that these people aren’t welcome, the new post-brexit immigrants are asian/southeast asian - much further away from home and much more likely to bring their family over with them. And there’s no way thectories are ever going to announce an immigration policy - half their base now have a Net Zero attitude to it. As Mark Twain said “You can never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience".

You thought you’d voted to take back control - that was never going to happen, and now we’re £140bn - per year and every year down - and you’re still not happy. Well suck it up coz you played a part in it.

The DA existed to return migrants that had been deemed to arrive illegally. You’ll to ask your local tory MP why they didn’t use it. Maybe they were trying to stoke up the issue.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 07-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 04:33 PM)Tufnell_Chimes Wrote: Immigration wasn’t an issue in 2014. It was used as a tool, by those wanting to retain opacity over their offshore banking, to swing the referendum. Trouble was once you fire up the anti-immigrant base they can’t be doused out - they feel they’ve been validated and they’re never going to drop it - the genie is not going to go quietly back in the bottle.

EU immigrants were the perfect immigrant: they were bright, hardworking and happy to regularly hop over back home to keep in touch with family. Now we’ve sent a clear message that these people aren’t welcome, the new post-brexit immigrants are asian/southeast asian - much further away from home and much more likely to bring their family over with them. And there’s no way thectories are ever going to announce an immigration policy - half their base now have a Net Zero attitude to it. As Mark Twain said “You can never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience".

You thought you’d voted to take back control - that was never going to happen, and now we’re £140bn - per year and every year down - and you’re still not happy. Well suck it up coz you played a part in it.

The DA existed to return migrants that had been deemed to arrive illegally. You’ll to ask your local tory MP why they didn’t use it. Maybe they were trying to stoke up the issue.
There is a difference between anti-immigrant and anti-mass Immigration. If you are anti-immigrant you are definitely not a good person but good people can be anti-mass Immigration. There are still plenty of “EU” immigrants here working in construction. Many are now British citizens! With British children born here! The best of them add tremendous value to the country. As for the South Asian thing, call it what it really is, ie , India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Even when the EU “migrants” where at their peak numerically, there was still more coming from “South Asia”. As I’ve stated on here numerous times over the last years. While everyone was busy watching Europe and dinghies, they weren’t seeing where the real influx was coming from. The British Nationalities Act and “educational “ visas have combined more heavily with immigration than the EU ever did!

RE: No football regulator soon... - BilltheCat - 07-06-2024

Yeah. But who doesn't love a curry and a bit of Northern Soul?

RE: No football regulator soon... - Tufnell_Chimes - 07-06-2024

No. In the future we will learn to appreciate toad-in-the-hole and brass bands.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 08-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 09:49 PM)BilltheCat Wrote: Yeah. But who doesn't love a curry and a bit of Northern Soul?

Don’t mind a good curry and there’s plenty about in Pompey but prefer West Indian if given the choice! As for Northern Soul, my generation and my circle were weaned on all Black music. Can’t beat a bit of reggae, Bob Marley started it for this provincial whitey and it led down many side turnings. Many happy long nights in and around Deptford and Brixton 77-82 rubbing shoulders with the brothers, happy days.

RE: No football regulator soon... - Smirnoffexpress - 08-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 10:11 PM)Tufnell_Chimes Wrote: No. In the future we will learn to appreciate toad-in-the-hole and brass bands.

Big Grin Really! That’s your own culture you attempt to denigrate there.