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Micah Hall - Gerry Hatrick - 14-04-2023

Just flagging up this piece in the News today about this fella who sacrificed everything to help save our club. 
Never mind John Westwood number one fan and all that. Here's the REAL deal.

Talk about gutsy. And he did it while the so-called "real" journalists were hiding behind their lawyers. The dodgy dealings during our descent from the Premier league was a period of shame for The News which stood idly by shaking in its shoes while people like Micah and SJ Maskell did the digging and exposing in their online blogs which were essential reading during those years.

It's like they say, when the shit hits the fan there are those who run for the hills and others who stand up to be counted. 
Thank you for standing up Micah. We are proud of you.

RE: Micah Hall - Rick Pumpkin - 14-04-2023

I've got a ton of respect and admiration for what Mike put himself through to expose the absolute crooks that were in and around the club at the time.  That interview understates what happened to him and his family.

I used to speak to him a lot back then and it's great seeing his life settle down the way it has and for him to start enjoying living again.  One thing I'll never forget is this...

Mike goes for a rant

RE: Micah Hall - Gerry Hatrick - 14-04-2023

(14-04-2023, 10:03 AM)Rick Pumpkin Wrote: I've got a ton of respect and admiration for what Mike put himself through to expose the absolute crooks that were in and around the club at the time.  That interview understates what happened to him and his family.

I used to speak to him a lot back then and it's great seeing his life settle down the way it has and for him to start enjoying living again.  One thing I'll never forget is this...

Mike goes for a rant

Brilliant interview, Rick. Unflinching in his conviction and unhesitant in his answers to some tough questions. 
Now the bar steward's in the Caribbean while we're having to suffer another season in League 1!!

RE: Micah Hall - pushbike_pete_PFC - 14-04-2023

Never had the pleasure in meeting him but his sheer bloody-minded determination to expose the shysters doing over our club, at great risk and emotional detriment to himself and his family should never be forgotten or belittled by any of us on here.

I think he posted as BlueBalloo2000 or something like that on the old TBA forum and I'll never forget his post around 2009 when the club was going into administration.. about what it was to be a Pompey fan.. his words caught the exact essence of what it is/was to be a Pompey fan.

Top bloke and fan.... as stated above... the REAL no.1 fan.

RE: Micah Hall - Pedalo_menders - 14-04-2023

Yes, if ever the term "superfan" applied, it's Micah.

He may not get the regular headlines or have been given the freedom of the city but he has achieved more than most in life and will definitely have his place as one of the more important characters in Pompeys history.

A proper pompey hero

RE: Micah Hall - Rick Pumpkin - 14-04-2023

(14-04-2023, 12:18 PM)Pedalo_menders Wrote: Yes, if ever the term "superfan" applied, it's Micah. 

He may not get the regular headlines or have been given the freedom of the city but he has achieved more than most in life and will definitely have his place as one of the more important characters in Pompeys history.

A proper pompey hero


It was unfortunate the grief and personal abuse he got when he worked for the club after the trust took control.  Even on Rivals/Fans Online and the forum the Scottish bloke ran at the time there were more than a few people who threw dogs abuse at Mike.  Apart from the maroon and pink third kit he introduced he didn't deserve any of it, but that kit of his was pretty shocking  Big Grin

RE: Micah Hall - DeepBlue - 14-04-2023

Micah is right up there with Trevor Birch at the top of the list of people who we owe the most to for saving the club.  

It never ceases to amaze me that people forget all the research he did and just say it was Harry & Storrie's fault for overspending.  The cnut soup that he exposed would have won the day without his efforts, and the club would never have survived in its current form.

RE: Micah Hall - suffolkpompey - 14-04-2023

As others have said, really top bloke who could many others to shame. I remember that interview doing the rounds first time out, and the classic from Natalie Sawyer "these are not the views of Sky"

RE: Micah Hall - slayer - 14-04-2023

I'd love to know who the dinlo was that wished he was sued for everything he had. Mouth wide open when I read that part.