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Strange Puppetry - Cliff Portwood gave me a lift - 14-05-2024

Captain Scarlett on the Tottenham bench this evening. Which is a bit of a Mysteron to me, frankly.

RE: Strange Puppetry - 66zoolane - 15-05-2024

They know you can hear them, you know?

RE: Strange Puppetry - Yobster1 - 15-05-2024

(14-05-2024, 09:35 PM)Cliff Portwood gave me a lift Wrote: Captain Scarlett on the Tottenham bench this evening. Which is a bit of a Mysteron to me, frankly.

Mikel Arteta is definitely captain Black ..for those who remember.

RE: Strange Puppetry - stayinupforever - 15-05-2024

(15-05-2024, 06:35 PM)Yobster1 Wrote:
(14-05-2024, 09:35 PM)Cliff Portwood gave me a lift Wrote: Captain Scarlett on the Tottenham bench this evening. Which is a bit of a Mysteron to me, frankly.

Mikel Arteta is definitely captain Black ..for those who remember.

Sadly I do...just. And Fireball XL5.

RE: Strange Puppetry - BilltheCat - 15-05-2024

Steve Zodiac.

Before my time but my friend likes Gerry Anderson.

RE: Strange Puppetry - Gerry Hatrick - 16-05-2024

Always a subject for ridicule because of the strings, and loping movement etc. Gerry Anderson's Supermarionation creations were story-telling brilliance. The action, the characters, the music (Barry Gray), the storylines and the sci-fi optimism (like Star Trek) that whatever happens to you, there is always International Rescue to save the day, made most of the series' a heaven for the imaginations of youngsters in the 60s and 70s. 
I particularly liked Joe 90 - inspiring one David Jackson from Paulsgrove/Gosport to change his name to 'Joe'. 
Only the kill-joys saw the strings.

RE: Strange Puppetry - bluetagagain - 16-05-2024

Stingray, Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds all brilliant and an upgrade on Torchy the Battery Boy and Twizzle.

RE: Strange Puppetry - exgaffer - 16-05-2024

(16-05-2024, 10:02 AM)bluetagagain Wrote: Stingray, Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds all brilliant and an upgrade on Torchy the Battery Boy and Twizzle.

Twizzle was great as centre forward for Pompey.  Big Grin

RE: Strange Puppetry - dsmg - 16-05-2024

Torchy was Saveloy's favourite (showing his age although he said it was repeats when he saw it, faf).

RE: Strange Puppetry - Cressers - 16-05-2024

Not forgetting the live action of UFO and Space 1999.

RE: Strange Puppetry - Hermann's_no_hermit - 17-05-2024

60 years on and I would still watch a Thunderbirds programme over almost anything else (watching Pompey being the exception).

RE: Strange Puppetry - Cressers - 17-05-2024

Avram Grant reminded me of The Hood in Thunderbirds.

RE: Strange Puppetry - 66zoolane - 17-05-2024

(17-05-2024, 07:27 PM)Cressers Wrote: Avram Grant reminded me of The Hood in Thunderbirds.

I can see that, maybe with a hint of Lady Penelope's chauffeur, Parker.

Incidentally, in at least 5 major Tescos stores across the country, I've heard this recorded announcement by the exact same speaker:

'There is a caller at the back gate. Please attend.'

If you've heard it, you'll know that voice has to be Parker.