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Jackett's Signings - Printable Version

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Jackett's Signings - mikey393 - 05-06-2024

Has anyone else seen this:  Kenny Jackett's 50 Portsmouth signings rated - including one 10/10, four 3/10s and a 1/10

There's some interesting ratings & comments. It also shows what a useless man manager he was which cost us promotion.

RE: Jackett's Signings - slayer - 05-06-2024

Website completely unusable, 14 pages? No chance

RE: Jackett's Signings - Roybatty - 06-06-2024

(05-06-2024, 09:00 PM)mikey393 Wrote: Has anyone else seen this:  Kenny Jackett's 50 Portsmouth signings rated - including one 10/10, four 3/10s and a 1/10

There's some interesting ratings & comments. It also shows what a useless man manager he was which cost us promotion.

Also shows how dire the snooze has become

RE: Jackett's Signings - simonfkwit - 06-06-2024

Typical Mark McMahon click bait.
Shit writing and bizarre ratings.

5/10 for players who never played, and claims a "handsome profit" on Harness.

The latest "wages according to Football Manager" news must be next week.

RE: Jackett's Signings - slayer - 06-06-2024

The whole purpose of that is to cause us to reload the page 14 times and generate them some ad revenue. Fuck off News.

RE: Jackett's Signings - Milkins - 06-06-2024

Didn't we have enough of Jackett when he was here?

RE: Jackett's Signings - Hammie - 06-06-2024

he did ok for a while, got better year on year and then messed up the play off re naylor, then knackerd by no home crowds.
The one who really stopped our bit by bit improvement was Cowley when he ripped apart the squad he inherited.

RE: Jackett's Signings - Tomsk - 06-06-2024

Two decent managers in Jackett and Cowley who did their best as they saw it while they were here; ultimately wasn't to be and they moved on. As far as I'm concerned it's a thanks to both of them, no need to look back and slag them off

RE: Jackett's Signings - Hammie - 07-06-2024

I and I think many others had lot of time for Cowley but not as our first team manager perhaps

RE: Jackett's Signings - bluebollox - 07-06-2024

(06-06-2024, 11:15 PM)Tomsk Wrote: Two decent managers in Jackett and Cowley who did their best as they saw it while they were here; ultimately wasn't to be and they moved on. As far as I'm concerned it's a thanks to both of them, no need to look back and slag them off

Jackett was a decent bloke but his tactics belonged in a bygone era. He was a dinosaur & was found wanting @ crucial moments. Cowley-nice guy who talked the talk. But confused just about everyone.

RE: Jackett's Signings - mikey393 - 11-06-2024

Jackett was a dinosaur maybe a decent guy with a High Win ratio ( mainly in rubbish Cup games ). Naylor decision was terrible playing of all people Bryn Morris instead! Demoting Pitman from captain & sending him to train with Cherries reserves was another.
Cowley was an aimable guy but all about ipad tactics. Also, Not playing Harness & Jacobs in the same team as they both played same position but then realising that he could & did! Has done an excdellent job with Minghi at Colchester as he spotted his real potential.